Dheere Dheere Se 28th February 2023 Written Update: Bhanu questions Bhawana’s character

Dheere Dheere Se 28th February 2023 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Malini asks Raghav his relationship with Bhawana. Raghav asks what she is going to do after learning the truth. He further adds even she won’t understand it. In the temple Gurudev asks Bhanu is Bhawana is his family and complains about Bhawana. Bhawana pleads with Bhanu to trust her whatever happened is a mistake. Bhanu asks her to shut up. He then complains about Bhawana to Gurudev and says because of which he thrown her out of the house. He also accuses her of having an affair with Raghav. Other side Raghav tells himself that he hope he reaches the venue on time. In temple Bhawana asks Bhanu how can he say such things against her just because he is upset with her. Bhanu says Bhawana to shut up and tells everyone read what’s happening between her and Raghav.

He then shows the newspaper to Gurudev and Bhawana. Bhawana gets shocked reading the newspaper and tells everyone whatever in that newspaper about her and Raghav isn’t true. She further says to Bhanu she went with the Srivastav’s to dinner but it’s Aanchal who danced with Raghav. Bhanu shuts her up by questioning her character also her relationship with Raghav. Bhawana gets angry then tells everyone she and Raghav is only friend and he has been always there for her. She also asks the people around there who was there to help her when the Shastri’s thrown her out. Bhanu gets shocked. Bhawana says her relationship with Raghav is friendship only. It will never change. Raghav arrives there and gets upset hearing it.

Raghav gives Bhawana the crafts she made. Bhawana shows it to Gurudev. Gurudev gets impressed seeing her works. He praises her work and tells everyone’s works is intelligent but Bhawana’s works soulful one. Raghav and Bhawana gets happy. Gurudev announces Bhawana as a winner. Bhawana gets happy and emotional. Everyone applauds for Bhanu. Bhanu gets annoyed and angry but pretends to be happy. Gurudev gives the prize money and certificate. He then says to Bhanu that he don’t have any idea about their family dispute but he is sure that Bhawana is Laxmi of their house so asks Bhanu to take her home. Bhawana says to Bhanu if he accepts her wholeheartedly also takes her home respectfully then she have no problem. Bhanu feels helpless but says to Bhanu he will oblige to him.

Bhawana gets happy whereas Raghav gets shocked and confused. Gurudev’s assistant informs Bhawana get an opportunity to work for a similar thing in Indore. Bhawana gets surprised and happy. Gurudev leaves. Raghav praises Bhawana and the latter thanks him. She then goes to Bhanu and tells him that she will go with him home. Bhanu interrupts and tells her he had no other option so he lied infront of Gurudev. He also tells he won’t let her enter the house because she is the reason behind her went to prison. Bhawana gets shocked.

Bhawana tells Bhanu that she was helpless and forced to give statement against him because someone kidnapped Aanchal. Bhanu gets shocked. He then accuses Raghav but Bhawana tells him it’s neither Raghav nor his family members also tells the Srivastav’s are indeed good people.

Bhanu mocks at her then declares infront of everyone she is dead to him and family and vice versa then leaves the place. Bhawana gets sad. Here Amit scolds Vidya for not answering her calls. Malini supports Vidya. Amit gets annoyed and goes inside. Malini warns Vidya to not to utter a word about what happened. Bhanu arrives there and questions Malini how can she hide such huge information from him. Malini and Vidya gets tensed. Bhanu says that he learned Aanchal was kidnapped. Malini and Vidya gets relieved. Malini tells after so much happened she forget to inform him. Bhanu scolds and warns Malini to not to hide anything from him anymore. Malini obliges. Amit asks Bhanu for the reason behind his anger. Bhanu tells that Bhawana told everyone she and Raghav is friend. He also tells that he can’t wait for the friendship to change into something else. Bhawana and Raghav recalls whatever happened. Raghav thanks Bhawana for accepting him as a friend infront of everyone. Bhawana thanks him for hiding the news from her so that she can focus on this contest and gives credit for her victory.

Precap: Bhawana sees Brij Mohan is calling Raghav’s number. She decides to give it to Raghav but the phone gets dropped and then the call gets answered on it’s own. Brij Mohan thinks Raghav is on the other line so says he won’t change his decision and there is only five days left for Raghav to fulfill the promise he made to him. Bhawana gets shocked.

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