Meet 3rd March 2023 Written Update: Meet feels defeated

Meet 3rd March 2023 Written Update on

In today’s episode, Shagun stops Meet and questions her for doing Shiv ratri Puja with Manmeet when she claims to hate him. Meet asks her to calm down. Shagun warns Meet to stay away from her Manmeet. Meet says that Manmeet is her husband and they will perform all the rituals together. She suggests Shagun to exit from Manmeet’s life already. Shagun says that she is ready and asks Meet for factory papers. She asks Meet to leave Manmeet if she gets Manmeet’s sign on the papers. Meet agrees. Shagun leaves. Meet thinks this is her last resort. Sarkar asks his family to not think much about the garland matter. Sundari tries to leave the house secretly with Anuja.

Sarkar enquires about the money to Yashoda. Yashoda replies yes. He asks her to bring some files. Sundari, Anuja get worried. They hide in a corner seeing Yashoda coming. Manmeet believes that his family will become happy when he will defeat Meet in wrestling match. Sarkar asks Manmeet to sign some documents. Manmeet says that he can sign without checking. Shagun plans to get his sign secretly on Meet’s documents. Meet keeps an eye on her. Shagun goes to serve food and makes Manmeet drop at the documents. She picks up the documents and mixes Meet’s documents with the other documents secretly.

Manmeet signs the papers without reading. Meet becomes happy and thinks that Manmeet already got defeated before the wrestling match. Sundari does not come for dinner. Meet thinks that she must be upset due to Anuja’s matter and plans to reach her food. Sundari talks to God being happy. Meet sees her. She asks Sundari how can she be so happy after punishing Anuja. She suggests her to make Anuja understand her point with love instead of punishing her. Sundari says that Anuja’s biggest mistake is that she is born as a girl. According to her, girls are born to get punishment till death. She says that Meet won’t understand her and leaves from there.

At night, Manmeet mocks Meet. He says that he and his family will get rid of Meet after the day. Meet asks him about his feelings when she will exit from his life. Manmeet says that he will be at peace. Meet says that she won’t leave that easily. Manmeet tries to demotivate her about the wrestling match. Meet says that women don’t give up easily in any matter. Manmeet laughs on her. Manmeet says that one needs strength to win in wrestling which women lack. He sounds confident about his win and Meet’s defeat. Meet asks him to not underestimate her. Meet applies balm on his forehead and says that he will need it more in future. She leaves from there.

Manmeet fumes in anger. Meet meets Shagun. She asks her for the documents. Shagun stands silent. She says that she can do anything to get Manmeet but she can’t cheat him. She refuses to give the documents to Meet. She says that she has changed her mind after talking to Manmeet who loves her endlessly. She says that she has burned the documents already. She says that her Manmeet will see Meet in the wrestling ring and beat her. She leaves. Meet recalls everything and cries silently. She feels defeated before the match. The episode ends.

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